Meet Shaleah Corvette
Shaleah is a lover of God, her family and literally all things BEAUTYFUL. Her passion for jewelry, fashion, make-up, and all things colorful is why her company "Shaleah Corvette" was birthed. Shaleah has always been an outside of the box kind of woman that fashionably walks to the beat of her own drum. Her passion and purpose is helping women to realize their full potential and to live undauntedly and thrive in that space. You will often hear her say that anything is possible with God. Her desire is that all women would know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and that true beauty comes from within. She believes that once you know who you are and whose you are that you should always live out loud, boldly, unapologetically, and BEAUTYFULLY.
All products were all specially named by our owner. The names are ones that she likes, and most importantly some of the people that she loves that have positively impacted her life. As she continues to add and grow the collection keep a look out. One day you might just see your name!
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